To ALL members of Wisconsin ASTA. I spend retirement hours creatiing music intended for young school orchestras. I'm not sure any of the original compositions on this website will be of value to any of you. Sightreading might be fun. If you have an interest, send me a request for score and parts with the name of the composition to I would be most grateful for feedback, if and when you find the time to try a piece with your students. Sincerely, Julie Stringer Julie Stringer is a 1975 graduate of UW-Milwaukee where she earned a bachelor's degree in music education and studied viola with Bernard Zaslav of the Fine Arts Quartet. She pursued graduate course work in music technology at Vander Cook College of Music in Chicago and completed a Master of Education Degree in Educational Computing from Cardinal Stritch University in 1996. She continued her studies at Stritch to acquire Wisconsin certification for Library Media. Julie taught instrumental music K-12 for the West Allis Schools. She co-founded and directed the West Allis-West Allis Strolling Strings. Under her direction the ensemble performed for school district activities, as well as for community service clubs, civic organizations, church groups, wedding and anniversary dinners, and convention banquets in the greater Milwaukee area. The ensemble also performed in Newburg, New York, Washington D.C., Kansas City, Oklahoma City, Tan Tara, Missouri and Minneapolis. Currently, she enjoys performing with the Wisconsin Intergenrerational Orchestra on viola, and entertaining solo with electonic backup on her violin at senior living centers. |